

  • 1958
  • 1959
  • 1965
  • 1966
  • 1971
  • 1973
  • 1974
  • 1980
  • 1982
  • 1982


On October 19, 1958, the Laiyang District Film and Broadcasting Repair Station was established, with the address located at No. 54 Chaoyang Street, Yantai City.


In March 1959, the "Yantai District Film and Broadcasting Machinery Repair Station" was renamed "Yantai District Film Distribution and Projection Company", under which the film machinery repair factory was established at No.93 Yingzhou Street, Yantai City. In the second half of the year, it was moved to No.21 Hai’an Street.


In the technical revolution and technical innovation competition activities of the masses, the whole factory’s staff take efforts to develop a successful "three-lens slide projector", selling well throughout the country.


"Yantai District Film Distribution and Projection Company Film Machinery Repair Factory" was renamed "Yantai Film Machinery Repair Factory" and moved to No. 45 Shifu Street in August.


From January 1, the "Yantai Film Machinery Repair Factory" was renamed "State-owned Yantai Radio No. 6 Factory" with fixed assets of RMB 349,000 and 138 employees, including 1 technician.


In September, the Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China listed the State-owned Radio No. 6 Factory as one of the manufacturers of external equipment of electronic computers.


With the support and help of the "Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry", the Company introduced the external equipment of electronic computers - photoelectric paper tape input machine from Hohhot State-owned Radio No.6 Factory. After a period, the product became the Company's flagship product, winning the "National Highest Quality Award" for three times.


RDG-8 photoelectric machine for China's launch of carrier rocket testing matching into the Pacific Ocean won the success, won a commendation from the Central Government, the Central Military Commission and the State Council for the first time, and won the National Silver Award for the same year.


In December, the RDG-8A photoelectric motor successfully supported the huge wave project of China's underwater launch rocket test, and won the second congratulatory commendation from the Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the State Council.


In December, the RDG-8A photoelectric motor successfully supported the huge wave project of China's underwater launch rocket test, and won the second congratulatory commendation from the Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the State Council. In December, the State-owned Radio No. 6 Factory and Shandong University of Technology jointly developed and produced power telecontrol microcomputer terminal equipment.

  • 1958

    On October 19, 1958, the Laiyang District Film and Broadcasting Repair Station was established, with the address located at No. 54 Chaoyang Street, Yantai City.

  • 1959

    In March 1959, the "Yantai District Film and Broadcasting Machinery Repair Station" was renamed "Yantai District Film Distribution and Projection Company", under which the film machinery repair factory was established at No.93 Yingzhou Street, Yantai City. In the second half of the year, it was moved to No.21 Hai’an Street.

  • 1965

    In the technical revolution and technical innovation competition activities of the masses, the whole factory’s staff take efforts to develop a successful "three-lens slide projector", selling well throughout the country.

  • 1966

    "Yantai District Film Distribution and Projection Company Film Machinery Repair Factory" was renamed "Yantai Film Machinery Repair Factory" and moved to No. 45 Shifu Street in August.

  • 1971

    From January 1, the "Yantai Film Machinery Repair Factory" was renamed "State-owned Yantai Radio No. 6 Factory" with fixed assets of RMB 349,000 and 138 employees, including 1 technician.

  • 1973

    In September, the Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China listed the State-owned Radio No. 6 Factory as one of the manufacturers of external equipment of electronic computers.

  • 1974

    With the support and help of the "Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry", the Company introduced the external equipment of electronic computers - photoelectric paper tape input machine from Hohhot State-owned Radio No.6 Factory. After a period, the product became the Company's flagship product, winning the "National Highest Quality Award" for three times.

  • 1980

    RDG-8 photoelectric machine for China's launch of carrier rocket testing matching into the Pacific Ocean won the success, won a commendation from the Central Government, the Central Military Commission and the State Council for the first time, and won the National Silver Award for the same year.

  • 1982

    In December, the RDG-8A photoelectric motor successfully supported the huge wave project of China's underwater launch rocket test, and won the second congratulatory commendation from the Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the State Council.

  • 1982

    In December, the RDG-8A photoelectric motor successfully supported the huge wave project of China's underwater launch rocket test, and won the second congratulatory commendation from the Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and the State Council. In December, the State-owned Radio No. 6 Factory and Shandong University of Technology jointly developed and produced power telecontrol microcomputer terminal equipment.

湄潭县| 翁源县| 沙坪坝区| 崇州市| 满洲里市| 韶山市| 乐山市| 灯塔市| 石棉县| 普陀区| 兴义市| 桂平市| 互助| 江达县| 楚雄市| 桦甸市| 乡宁县| 班戈县| 马尔康县| 江西省| 建瓯市| 巴楚县| 甘孜县| 大厂| 策勒县| 墨竹工卡县| 本溪市| 九江市| 长汀县| 雅江县| 正安县| 满洲里市| 东海县| 衡南县| 耒阳市| 福贡县| 阳信县| 安新县| 临西县| 禹城市| 西乡县|