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DFE Successfully Undertook a Training Course for Managers in Enterprises “Going Global” in Shandong Province
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The training course for managers in enterprises “Going Global” in Shandong Province was successfully held in Yantai on July 13, hosted by China International Contractors Association and Shandong Provincial Chamber of Commerce for Overseas Investment & Economic Cooperation, and exclusively undertaken by Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "Dongfang Electronics") as a specially invited enterprise. More than 70 people, who are representatives from enterprises “Going Global” in Shandong Province and industry experts, participated in the training.

Opening ceremony speech by Zhao Xinzhi, Member of the Party Leadership Group of Yantai Municipal Bureau of Commerce

The experts have given lectures on the analysis and outlook of current international security situation, risks and insurance management of international engineering projects, and overseas health and epidemic prevention & mental health management. As the only representative of the enterprises, the Dongfang Electronics introduced the company's overall business layout, overseas market development and practical experience at the meeting, and invited the participants to visit the company for exchanges. 

Introducing Dongfang advanced management model and overseas business

Director Tang Zhenning and experts and representatives visiting the company

Group photo of participants in front of the main building

On July 14th, Chairman Yu Jianlin organized a panel symposium

 On the morning of July 14, more than a dozen of key enterprises of foreign investment and project contracting in Shandong Province, including the Dongfang Electronics, China Railway 14th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., POWERCHINA Nuclear Engineering Company, Yanjian Group Co., Ltd., Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd (WIETC), Shandong Hi-Speed Road & Bridge International Engineering Co., Ltd., and SEPCO1 Electric Power Construction Corporation, held an informal discussion meeting, and Vice President Yu Jianlin attended and presided over the meeting. The participating enterprises had a heated discussion on many issues that engineering contracting enterprises are faced with under the current macro environment while going global such as the development status, problems, opportunities and challenges, transformation and business direction, difficulties in recruiting workers and localized operation and so on, and put forward many constructive suggestions combined with practical experience, which surely will play a guiding role in the following business development.

     During the meeting, the relevant links of Dongfang Electronics' overseas business were exchanged with the training experts and representatives of key enterprises to learn with them, and cooperation intentions have been reached on localized operations and project cooperation in Serbia, Pakistan, Vietnam and other countries. In future, the company will actively expand overseas marketing channels and strive to improve overseas market share under the guidance of the strategic goal of “three with leading position and one being the first-class”.

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