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“Green and Low-carbon Community” Smart Energy Project Officially Launched, Adding to the List of National R&D Project that Dongfang Electronics has Participated
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The launch ceremony of “Green and Low-carbon Community Clean Energy System Digital Avatar Technology Research and Demonstration”—a national R&D project that participated by Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. —was held in Jiaxing, Zhejiang on Aug. 31, 2022 both offline and via video links, marking a milestone in the development of our national R&D projects. The review committee and the projects leaders have fully exchanged their ideas with each other, providing a strong guaranty on the success of its final delivery.

The national R&D project is led by Shanghai Jiao Tong University with other participants including State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Branch, Japan Institute of Environmental Energy Technology, Hunan University of Technology, State Grid Smart Grid Research Institute Co., Ltd., Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) and Beijing Zhongheng Borui Digital Power Technology Co., Ltd. With their resources both domestic and overseas, the project covers smart energy study, manufacturing, scientific research and practical application. Jointly declared in Apr. 2021, the project got officially approved on June 20, 2022, with a project cycle from June 2022 to May 2025.

Launch Site

This project marks a new one beyond several other national R&D projects that the company has participated in smart energy area. Based on modeling, energy complementarity, grid system transformation, and digital avatar, this project is expected to build a green and low-carbon community energy management platform, fostering Jiaxing, Nanhu green communities in Zhejiang. Our energy project group has already involved in this project right from 2021 since its declaration, and then engaged in its on-site investigation, technology research and platform model design etc.

Main research of this project

In response to its digitalization strategy, the company has stepped up the application of digital technology in the project with concrete actions, in an effort to provide best product, services and customer experience. Through the national R&D projects, the company is committed to build a smart energy green and low-carbon industrial chain, integrating service of green energy building, smart management, virtual power plant and carbon assets management, so as to contribute its own part to the Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Peak state strategy.

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