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DFE was selected into the MIIT's Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration Project List in 2022!
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Recently, the Information and Communication Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology unveiled the list of industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the List). According to the List, the Green Cloud Energy Internet Ecological Platform of Dongfang Electronics Corporation was successfully selected as an industrial Internet platform & green low-carbon pilot demonstration project.

This Green Cloud Energy Internet Ecological Platform is a result of DFE’s analysis to the development trend of the industry and integrates such technologies as cloud native, micro-service and containerization. It can provide users with all-round services in a flexible, convenient and efficient way, for example, it can provide green, intelligent, safe and efficient O&M and operation services for applications including distributed photovoltaic power generation, wind power generation, power distribution room, central air conditioning room, pump room and intelligent building, and for facilities like SVG, switch cabinet, central air conditioning, and allows for deployment of such application services as smart energy management, smart operation and maintenance, and carbon asset management. Therefore, this platform embraces a great development potential in the transformation of clean energy and digital power grid.

The selection of this platform into the List is an affirmation of DFE’s innovative achievements in the green and low-carbon industry. Considering that, with the development of cloud technology, the software industry has developed from IaaS & PaaS to SaaS & XaaS, and will develop further in the direction of verticalization, platform and intelligence, DFE is planned to build a digital base based on the "cloud native" design concept to realize real-time collection of massive data as well as elastic expansion of scale growth, and to create an open development environment to provide users with all-round services in a flexible, convenient and efficient way.

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