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DFE Supports the World's Largest Single Solar Power Station Project, Injecting Green Energy into the Desert
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The PV support bracket control system (Tracker SCADA) developed by DFE has been put into operation in the Al Dhafrah 2.1-GW PV Project in Abu Dhabi, obtaining a great success.

The Al Dhafrah PV2 Solar Power Station Project built in the United Arab Emirates is the world's largest single solar power station project so far, with a total installed capacity of 2.1 GW. In this project, Tracker SCADA completed the real-time collection of information of more than 29,000 sets of PV support brackets, setting up as many as 600,000 IO points. There is no precedent for a PV support bracket SCADA system with such a data scale nationwide or worldwide.

Located in the Al Dhafrah region, southwest of Abu Dhabi, UAE, this PV project covers an area of about 20 km2, which is the world's largest single-site solar power station. By using about 3.5 million solar panels, this solar power station can provide clean electricity to about 160,000 households in the UAE, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2.4 million tons per year.

Tracker SCADA developed by DFE is a professional monitoring and control system.

First of all, Tracker SCADA collects the information of the PV support bracket in real time. After conducting the overall processing for the real-time information, Tracker SCADA can accurately adjust the PV support bracket, and automatically optimize the inclination and direction of the PV panel according to the position of the Sun and weather conditions, so as to capture the solar energy as much as possible, or under a bad weather condition such as wind, sand, rain, snow, hail, etc., it can provide precision guidance to reduce or even avoid the damage to PV panels caused by natural disasters. Through these, Tracker SCADA can improve the power generation efficiency and prolong the PV panel’s service life.

Secondly, Tracker SCADA transmits the analyzed information and processed results to the cleaning robot system in real time to instruct the cleaning robot to carry out operations, so as to realize the automatic control of the cleaning robot, which can further reduce costs and risks of operation and maintenance.

Moreover, the system can also provide a customized dashboard, which can let the administrator track the operating conditions and performance indicators of the device, so that the administrator can discover and solve faults and abnormalities in a timely manner, and improve the operation and maintenance efficiency.

DFE has been committed to providing innovative and efficient solutions for renewable energy projects, and contributing to the energy transformation for China and the world. We look forward to maintaining good cooperative relations with more energy companies and partners to jointly promote the development and application of new energy power generation technologies.

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