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DFE participates in “2011 International Smart Grid Forum and Exhibition”
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On September 28, 2011, “2011 International Smart Grid Forum” jointly sponsored by State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) grandly raised its curtain in China National Convention Center, with the theme of “Strong Smart Grid – the driving force of energy development in 21st century” and at the aim of providing a high-level platform for representatives participating in the conference from all over the world, exchanging and sharing the latest research results and practical experience of smart grid, and discussing the development direction of smart grid. Leaders and relevant technicians of our company participated in this forum upon invitation.

Simultaneously, smart grid theme exhibition representing the high-end technical standard and strength of the industry was held. At the exhibition, domestic and foreign famous professional equipment R&D and manufacture enterprises and relevant companies gathered to display projects in professional fields such as matching grid automation and new energy.

Upon invitation, our company participated in the exhibition as one of the exhibitors and displayed the research results of our company in intelligent scheduling, power transmission, power utilization and other fields; a total of 500 people participated in the conference and exhibition, including leaders of SGCC, principal leaders of each provincial grid, principals of each department of SGCC as well as scholars and technicians from 16 national government and industrial organizations, research institutes and power enterprises such as IEC and ITU.

Many media synchronously reported the conditions of our company participating in forum exhibition, which greatly improves the corporate image and the reputation of our company.

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