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Award Ceremony of 2011 “DFE Cup” Prize Essay Contest
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On the morning of October 21, 2011, Award Ceremony of 2011 “Dongfang Electronics Cup” Prize Essay Contest & Intelligent Substation Technical Forum jointly hosted by China Electric Power News, State Grid News, ESCO in China and Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. started in Yantai. More than 100 customers and experts of Power Grid Companies and large-scale factories across the country as well as news media representatives presented and the representative of South Power Grid attended the contest as an observer.

Ding Zhenhua, President and General Manager of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd., Hao Xingguo, Chief Editor of China Electric Power News, Liu Yufeng, General Manager of State Grid Great Media, Hu Jie, Chief Editor of ESCO in China as well as other leaders and experts made opening speeches for the meeting and presented awards to the winners.

The essay contest totally received nearly 100 essays from customers all over the country, including creative essays, documentary stories and news pictures, which covered intelligent dispatching automation, intelligent distribution network automation, intelligent substation, contract energy management, RFID technology application and other directions and fields.

After the awarding, our company arranged wonderful activities for customers: evening party enabling customers to feel our warmness and sincerity; the visit to our company enabled customers to see the strength of Dongfang Electronics in close range; the visit to Penglai and fishing in the ocean made customers relax in mountains and sea. On October 23, 2011, customers all over the country set out to return with good memories on Dongfang Electronics and Yantai, and the ceremony ended successfully.

永川市| 云安县| 增城市| 北安市| 和田市| 澄迈县| 阿荣旗| 东阳市| 方正县| 临洮县| 即墨市| 东乡县| 宁都县| 巴林左旗| 瑞丽市| 汝州市| 开江县| 青岛市| 霸州市| 麟游县| 安康市| 定结县| 页游| 墨竹工卡县| 金湖县| 凤阳县| 乌兰浩特市| 连城县| 罗源县| 郧西县| 平安县| 衡阳市| 峡江县| 吴旗县| 上杭县| 溧阳市| 台安县| 全椒县| 理塘县| 紫云| 育儿|