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The Republic of Chad, Djermaya-Ndjamena completion ceremony of 66kv high voltage transmission line project
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On March 4th , 2013, the president of Chad, Idris deby and his wife, accompanied with Chinese ambassadors in Chad and CMEC leaders, participated in the Djermaya-Ndjamena completion ceremony of 66kv high voltage transmission line project. Chad Prime Minister Joseph, Chancellor Kabaddi, officials from each government department and other representatives of various circles, about 400 persons, took part in the celebration ceremony and ribbon cutting. DFE, the power transmission commander in chief, unified and organized the unit in construction, design institute, supervisor, and manufacturers to transmit power cooperatively, and finally succeeded to transmit power one time in scheduled circuits.

Chad Ndjamena city power grid, city mid-low voltage power grid transform and extension project were built comprehensively by CMEC, and DFE was responsible to protect the setting calculation and power grid launch transmission and test run.

In this transmission, DFE, assumed as the power transmission commander in chief, organized the unit in construction, design institute, supervisor, and manufacturers to transmit power cooperatively, moreover, thanks to the careless organization of DFE Chad Project Department, succeeded to transmit power one time in scheduled circuits. This was a second state power grid operational projects after the transmission and transform projects of Djibloho Equatorial Guinea. Successful Chad power grid launch transmission symbolized our one more successful practice in this kind of project.

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