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The company appears on 2020 China International Nuclear Power Industry and Equipment Exhibition
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From October 15 to 17, the "2020 China (Yantai) Nuclear Energy Safety and Nuclear Power Industry Chain Summit Forum" and "2020 China International Nuclear Power Industry and Equipment Exhibition", with the theme of "new safety level and new industrial development", were held in Yantai International Expo Center. A total of 300 participants, including academicians and experts from China's nuclear power field, representatives of scientific research institutions and nuclear power enterprises, attended the forum.

說明: http://www.ljvod.cn/uploadfile/2020/1019/20201019015044224.jpg

Opening ceremony

With the theme of "Serving Chinese nuclear power and sharing intelligent life", our company displayed the company’s nuclear power related products, mainly including booster station monitoring system, routing inspection robot, comprehensive energy, primary equipment, intelligent power supply, intelligent video, online monitoring, power management system, power consumption acquisition system, high and low voltage frequency converter, etc.

說明: http://www.ljvod.cn/uploadfile/2020/1019/20201019014336580.png

Dongfang Electronics appears on the Exhibition

Zhang Shuping, Secretary of Yantai Municipal Party Committee, and his party visited Dongfang Electronics Corporation’s exhibition hall and inquired in detail about the intelligent routing inspection robot and other modular devices independently developed by the company. On behalf of the company, Chen Yong, vice general manager of the Corporation briefed the company’s new technologies and achievements in the field of nuclear power to the leader and other distinguished guests, fully expressing the company’s confidence and determination to serve Chinese nuclear power.

 說明: http://www.ljvod.cn/uploadfile/2020/1019/20201019014413991.jpg

Zhang Zhuping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited the company’s booth

說明: http://www.ljvod.cn/uploadfile/2020/1019/20201019014603822.jpg 

Introduction by Dr. Dai Hongwei

On the achievement release conference of "2020 China (Yantai) Nuclear Energy Safety and Nuclear Power Industry Chain Summit Forum" and "2020 China International Nuclear Power Industry and Equipment Exhibition" and the introduction and marketing roadshow of Yantai’s new industrial development on the morning of October 16, Dr. Dai Hongwei, deputy chief engineer of the Corporation, delivered a keynote speech on "Preliminary Exploration of Smart Nuclear Power Technology" on behalf of Dongfang Electronics Corporation, introducing in detail our company's technical innovations for the nuclear power industry in terms of intelligentization of medium and low-voltage electrical complete equipment, intelligent routing inspection robots, comprehensive energy management, network security monitoring, etc., and shared the application scenarios of intelligent nuclear power combining field cases.

The Summit and Exhibition provide an opportunity for the company to further develop the power market. Our company always takes "cherishing the environment and saving resources" as the vision, integrates environmental protection, energy saving, safety and intelligence into the business process, and provides customers with energy system solutions. With indomitable innovation and passion, we fully perceive and meet the needs of customers, create cost value for customers, and make mutual improvement with customers, shareholders, suppliers and the society.

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